Frequently Asked Questions & How it Works

How it Works

We are direct land buyers. There are no commissions, no fees, and there are no obligations, whatsoever. We always handle our transactions using a professional attorney or title company. We pay cash so we can close quickly, making this a smooth, easy process for you.

1) Tell us about your land

2) Within 72 hours we will review your property and will provide you an offer in writing. No obligation or hassle.

3) Once you accept our offer we get our team to work quickly to prepare for the closing process, drafting closing documents, opening escrow, and scheduling a closing. Always using a professional attorney or title company, and often with a mobile notary, where we come to you to finalize the transaction.


How do I accept the offer I receive for my property?

Sign and send back the letter by mail or email. for quickest response snap a picture with your camera phone of the signed letter and email it back to us at: and we will get the ball rolling!

What type of land do you purchase?

We purchase a variety of land types, in-fill lots for housing, recreational lots, larger lots for subdivisions, land for commercial development, farming land, land for storage lots, land for solar energy, off-grid living, hunting land, the list goes on and on.

Can you buy the property As-is?

Yes, you will sell the property to us as-is. All we ask is that you share with us any information you have on the property, if you have any information about access or improvements, or history of the property that can help us in our closing process to speed up the sale, and get you cash faster.

I don’t live in the same area as my property, will I have to travel there for the closing?

No, you won’t need to travel for the closing, we arrange through our closing attorney or title company to have a mobile notary meet you at a location that’s most convenient for you.

Is the offer price you sent me negotiable?

Possibly. However for it to make sense for our business we must be careful about the land investments we make. If you can share additional information that will help us revise our offer we will happily reconsider our pricing. Please keep in mind though that the trade-off for the ease, speed, and convenience of a fast direct sale to us, is that we are not able to offer full retail pricing. If you are only interested in getting a full retail value sale, we are likely not your best option. To get top dollar value you will most likely need to contact a local real estate agent or broker with extensive land marketing experience. These retail sales typically take time to wait for the right buyer, and then to work with them on possible “due dilligence” items that may arise during their inspection period.

I own other property, will you consider buying that as well?

Yes, we are always interested to evaluate and make an offer on any pieces of land you may have. Email or call us with more information so we can get back to you with an offer.

How fast can the closing take place?

Most cases we can close in 15-30 days, as long as we are both diligent in expeditiously returning any needed paperwork. We always work with a professional attorney or title company to handle the transaction and sometimes they will require additional information to get the deal closed. We will always push as hard as we can towards a fast closing.

Did you receive an offer and something is not right? Submit a correction or counter offer here:

Submit the form and our team will be back in touch within 1 business day.